Degomeat Chicken Complete 1kg
Degomeat raw food is made out of only natural ingredients, without fragrances, colours, or flavours.
Consists of meat from animals that are suitable for human consumption(parts that humans do not eat, but which do contain a lot of nutrients, e.g. chicken necks, fish heads, etc.)
Degomeat raw food is 100% fresh (no boiling or steaming) and the products are frozen as quickly as possible to maintain a high nutritional value.
(30g * 10 = 300g) -> 2 x 150g per day.
(30g * 25 = 750g) -> 2 x 375g per day.
to maintain ideal body weight. Never change your food all at once, but increase gradually (accumulation period of +- 1 week). If you have any questions about how much to donate
(for example for your puppy), do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to help you.
Nutritional Values